Company Disclaimer

Royal De Gruijter beholds the right to make changes in the conditions on how the website is offered, without any notice. The changes will be of use directly after display of certain items on the website. Royal De Gruijter does not accept any responsibility for direct of indirect damage that may occur by using of, trusting on or acting to the information on the website, unless in the case of deliberate action of similar wrong intentions.

This website plus it contents is protected by author`s right and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use , no items of this website nor its contents are to be multiplied, saved or made public, without prior notice and permission of Royal De Gruijter.

These conditions, as well as any issues or claims that are products of or are in direct relation to the conditions, are applicable on Dutch law only. Such issues and claims will be, if necessary, placed under justice of the local Ministry of Justice. Our intellectual ownership is being protected through laws of brand and author/copyright.


Royal De Gruijter is a  FIDI FAIM certified affiliate, and as such entirely agrees and confirms to abide by the FIDI Anti-Bribery and Corruption Charter and the Data Privacy. Moreover, Royal De Gruijter also insist that our trusted supply chain and service level partner abide by these standards.