Destination address & info Your personal information Last name* E-mail address Order number* Your personal travel information Personal ORIGIN departure date Personal ARRIVAL at destination date From which date can you be reached at destination? Destination Hotel name (if applicable) Destination Hotel phone number (if applicable) Destination residence Below, please fill out your (new) full destination address:* Is new residence available immediately after arrival?yesno Can your goods be delivered at first possibility after arrival (and customs clearance if applicable)?yesno Do you require (temporary) storage of your goods at destination?yesno Your emergency phone number that you have access to while travelling Your emergency e-mail address that you have access to while travelling Address information Type of residenceApartmentTerraced houseDetached houseOther If type of residence is Other, which type? If type of residence is Apartment, which floor? If type of residence is Terraced or Detached, amount of floors? Leave blank if not applicable Are we allowed to use the internal elevator?yesno Can all the items fit the internal elevator?yesno Is an external elevator (moving lift) POSSIBLE? yesno Is an external elevator (moving lift) NECESSARY? yesno *E.g. certain items cannot be brought into the residence without the use of an external elevator Parking at destination address Can we park at a maximum 20 meter walking distance from residence/apartment building entrance with large truck/container (18 mtrs)? yesno Distance from first available parking spot to residence/apartment building entrance? ± … mtrs Do you have a possibility to keep parking spots available for our truck/van/container?yesno Is a parking permit advisable or NECESSARY*? yesno Mandatory in certain cities! Is paid parking applicable? yesno Is it a dead-end street?yesno Any other circumstances we need to take into account?* Additional information Send *=required field(s)