Transport insurance
Below, please submit the total insurance value of your goods. In order to avoid under insurance, we request you to follow the removal industry’s average insured value, which is €2.000,00 – €2500,00 per m3. Data submitted by you will be used for insurance purposes only. At the bottom of this page you can upload an insurance list.
Unfortunately this is not a service we offer. The insurer’s earnings model is designed to generate sufficient premium to be able to compensate for any damage and/ or loss. When clients minimize insurance, the insurer’s income is sharply reduced, while the risk of damage by definition does not decrease and the amount of the claim payout generally increases (when only valuable and/ or fragile goods are insure).
Valuation reports must be submitted with high value items (items with an individual value of €1.500,00 or higher) without serial number and/ or purchase receipt. Usually this concerns art pieces and antiques. A value statement from an official body may also serve as proof (eg an auction house or antique shop). If no purchase receipt or valuation report for above items is present, it will be a binding valuation on damage by our insurance expert. If no purchase receipt can be presented for items with a serial number, you must provide us with at least; when the item is purchased, where and for which amount. Based on this information the insurer will research and determine the value (settlement amount).